Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Mersun was hungry. In fact she was really hungry. She had only bread in the cupboard.Why didn't those "sandy island" people give her food?

It was party time on sandy island. Charlotte (or freeze girl) was worried. She had heard that Mersun had no food. Suddenly Lily(an islander)shouted "tsunamis"and cried for help.
"Help"Mersun heard.She cackled."Now they will give me some food."She said. Meanwhile, back at Sandy Island, worried people were calling for the local superhero
"freeze girl". "Freeze girl"
Charlotte heard thousands of times!She reached out for her bage!Poof!There she was wearing a pink dress with a F and G on it.Not Charlotte but freeze girl.
"What is wrong?"she said,even through she knew.
"Mersun must be angry because we are having tsunamis."Lily said.
"Right I will freeze them.".So she did a few.
Charlotte fills up with power by drinking coconut milk.Soon the rest were frozen solid.
"Where is Charlotte?"said Lily. Charlotte gulped. Then she said "I am Charlotte."
"But you can't be."Lily said.
"Well, I am."Charlotte said.
"Well this is good to know. Why don't we have a party."said Lily. And every one said yes so their party lasted all day.THE END

1 comment:

  1. Great descriptive writing Jordan - I like the idea of being able to freeze tsunamis!
